What is Women Build?
Women and their children are the population most affected by poor living conditions. Women Build, a Habitat for Humanity International initiative, provides the opportunity for women to take a proactive step in making a positive impact in the lives of mothers and children.
MacHabitat partners with low-income families to provide homeownership opportunities. In Yamhill County, where 11.4% of residents and 15% of children under the age of 18 live in poverty, the lack of affordable, decent housing is at critical levels. Beginning in 2016 and continuing through 2023, one of these families per year has been selected for a Women Build project. Women Build provides: 1) a safe, decent, affordable home for a family in need; and 2) empowerment opportunities to local women through construction skills classes and community engagement.
Meet our 2024 Women Build partners!
MacHabitat is partnering with THREE Women Build families this year – led by three strong women who are head-of-house. Alex, Melva and Miranda each are hoping for a fresh start in a Habitat home, and a place where they can make cherished memories and invest in their community as new homeowners. Help us build homes for these three women-led households!
“Home to me is a foundation; building roots and being able to grow in a house that we’ll then pass on for generations.” – Miranda Johnson, Future Habitat Homeowner
Women Build… and BRUNCH!

Uplifting Women through the Power of Homeownership
Funds for our Women Build homes are primarily raised through our beloved spring fundraiser – Women Build & Brunch! Each May during Mother’s Day Weekend, MacHabitat hosts this annual event with our long-time partners at the beautiful Maysara Winery. It’s an opportunity for our community to come together to support the construction of homes for our Women Build families – and is always a wonderful time!
Save the date for next year’s event on May 10, 2025! Contact our Event Coordinator Sarah at sarah@machabitat.org to get involved as a sponsor or donor.