Family Photo provided by Robinson Photography
The children share a bed in their bedroom, a situation which will soon be untenable as they grow older. Additionally, the both suffer from asthma and are negativley impacted by the mold infestation.
The children have no safe place to play outside. The apartment complex backs onto a busy, noisy highway, and the family is fined if the children ride their bikes on the property. There is a small unfenced play area which the family avoids due to the aggressive behavior and cursing exhibited by the other children.
Marcello is employed full-time, with workdays in the summertime sometimes extending to 16 hours. Miranda is a homemaker. The family budget is tight. Marcelo has told us, “We use any extra money after bills for food, clothes, other necessities, and sports programs for our kids. With continuously rising rents, I have no hope for us finding anything else affordable to rent. I fear that this will be our home for the rest of our lives. To be able to tell our children that we finally have a real home would be an absolute dream come true.”
What is a Shareholder Build?
The Shareholder Build is a McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity program supported by individuals, groups of friends, businesses, and organizations throughout the community. These individuals and groups sponsor building a home in MacHabitat’s Aspire neighborhood by buying Shares and/or by volunteering at the worksite. Shareholders will be recognized throughout the building process and at the home dedication.
- Donate money towards the Shareholder Build house
- Raise money through your business or service club
- Host a fundraiser
- Attend our events
- Provide Gifts In-Kind or services for construction of the home or for events
- Volunteer at the construction site with a group or individually
- Shop/Donate/Volunteer at the ReStore
Financial Support: Each Share is $100. MacHabitat must sell 1,000 shares to cover the cost of this Shareholder Build home ($100,000).
Levels of investment:
Savvy Shareholder = 1 share ($100)
Incredible Investor = 5 shares ($500)
Fantastic Financier = 10 shares ($1,000)
Tremendous Tycoon = 25 shares ($2,500)
Magnificent Mogul = 50 shares ($5,000)
Benevolent Big Wig = 75 shares ($7,500)
Phenomenal Fat Cat = 100 shares ($10,000)
Magnanimous Magnate = 150 shares ($15,000)
Astounding Aristocrat = 200 shares+ ($20,000)
Volunteer Support: Individuals and organizations can volunteer at the construction site, working with the homeowners, experienced volunteers, and building professionals. Businesses/organizations are invited to bring groups of employee volunteers to the work site. MacHabitat welcomes volunteers of all skill levels, experienced and inexperienced, and will teach volunteers what they need to know at the work site. Each volunteer hour is equivalent to $25 for the purposes of considering the investment made; it only takes four hours of volunteering to become a Savvy Shareholder!
Why become a sponsor of the Shareholder Build? Committing to this project does more than change the lives of a family – it strengthens our entire community. Children whose parents own their home do better in school; families who have affordable housing have more money to spend on improved nutrition, better health care, and savings for education. And children who grow up in a home their parents own are also more likely to be homeowners themselves, so the cycle of homeownership perpetuates itself through generations. Creating new homeownership opportunities puts more money in our property tax system to help fund essential services in our community.
For more information, please contact our Executive Director, Mary Stern, at or 503-687-1411.
Family Photo provided by Robinson Photography
The children share a bed in their bedroom, a situation which will soon be untenable as they grow older. Additionally, the both suffer from asthma and are negativley impacted by the mold infestation.
The children have no safe place to play outside. The apartment complex backs onto a busy, noisy highway, and the family is fined if the children ride their bikes on the property. There is a small unfenced play area which the family avoids due to the aggressive behavior and cursing exhibited by the other children.
Marcello is employed full-time, with workdays in the summertime sometimes extending to 16 hours. Miranda is a homemaker. The family budget is tight. Marcelo has told us, “We use any extra money after bills for food, clothes, other necessities, and sports programs for our kids. With continuously rising rents, I have no hope for us finding anything else affordable to rent. I fear that this will be our home for the rest of our lives. To be able to tell our children that we finally have a real home would be an absolute dream come true.”
What is a Shareholder Build?
The Shareholder Build is a McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity program supported by individuals, groups of friends, businesses, and organizations throughout the community. These individuals and groups sponsor building a home in MacHabitat’s Aspire neighborhood by buying Shares and/or by volunteering at the worksite. Shareholders will be recognized throughout the building process and at the home dedication.
- Donate money towards the Shareholder Build house
- Raise money through your business or service club
- Host a fundraiser
- Attend our events
- Provide Gifts In-Kind or services for construction of the home or for events
- Volunteer at the construction site with a group or individually
- Shop/Donate/Volunteer at the ReStore
Financial Support: Each Share is $100. MacHabitat must sell 1,000 shares to cover the cost of this Shareholder Build home ($100,000).
Levels of investment:
Savvy Shareholder = 1 share ($100)
Incredible Investor = 5 shares ($500)
Fantastic Financier = 10 shares ($1,000)
Tremendous Tycoon = 25 shares ($2,500)
Magnificent Mogul = 50 shares ($5,000)
Benevolent Big Wig = 75 shares ($7,500)
Phenomenal Fat Cat = 100 shares ($10,000)
Magnanimous Magnate = 150 shares ($15,000)
Astounding Aristocrat = 200 shares+ ($20,000)
Volunteer Support: Individuals and organizations can volunteer at the construction site, working with the homeowners, experienced volunteers, and building professionals. Businesses/organizations are invited to bring groups of employee volunteers to the work site. MacHabitat welcomes volunteers of all skill levels, experienced and inexperienced, and will teach volunteers what they need to know at the work site. Each volunteer hour is equivalent to $25 for the purposes of considering the investment made; it only takes four hours of volunteering to become a Savvy Shareholder!
Why become a sponsor of the Shareholder Build? Committing to this project does more than change the lives of a family – it strengthens our entire community. Children whose parents own their home do better in school; families who have affordable housing have more money to spend on improved nutrition, better health care, and savings for education. And children who grow up in a home their parents own are also more likely to be homeowners themselves, so the cycle of homeownership perpetuates itself through generations. Creating new homeownership opportunities puts more money in our property tax system to help fund essential services in our community.
For more information, please contact our Executive Director, Mary Stern, at or 503-687-1411.