To become a sponsor click HERE!
Please join us for our 19th Annual Run, Walk, Run . . . Away from COVID-19! Due to the global pandemic, our event will be held virtually this year. Even though we can’t physically be together, we can still come together as a community by joining our hearts in hope and supporting local families. Whether you can get to a local track or would rather pound the pavement on the streets, runners/walkers who want to be a part of this experience will complete either a 5K or 10K. Although there will not be official timing, it is encouraged that you start a watch and set goals for yourself. The first 100 people to register will get a t-shirt! Additional registrants may purchase a t-shirt. On race day we are asking that you post a selfie on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter, and tag McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity! Feel free to include the distance you ran and your time. This event is for EVERYONE. Walkers, joggers, racers, and even dogs are invited! Please register before June 7 in order to receive a t-shirt in time for the event!
To register click HERE!
Race Day Schedule
Race Day T-shirts:
We use email to communicate with you, including a confirmation email, reminders, and information about last-minute changes. Please make sure you allow emails from Constant Contact and machabitat.org, and that you check your spam box for misplaced emails.
This year, we will have only two sponsorship levels of $500 for a large logo and $300 for a smaller logo on our shirts. We will also include recognition of your support via all our social media channels. To become a sponsor click HERE!

Dr. Eugene Spear
To become a sponsor click HERE!

To become a sponsor click HERE!
Please join us for our 19th Annual Run, Walk, Run . . . Away from COVID-19! Due to the global pandemic, our event will be held virtually this year. Even though we can’t physically be together, we can still come together as a community by joining our hearts in hope and supporting local families. Whether you can get to a local track or would rather pound the pavement on the streets, runners/walkers who want to be a part of this experience will complete either a 5K or 10K. Although there will not be official timing, it is encouraged that you start a watch and set goals for yourself. The first 100 people to register will get a t-shirt! Additional registrants may purchase a t-shirt. On race day we are asking that you post a selfie on Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter, and tag McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity! Feel free to include the distance you ran and your time. This event is for EVERYONE. Walkers, joggers, racers, and even dogs are invited! Please register before June 7 in order to receive a t-shirt in time for the event!
To register click HERE!
Race Day Schedule
Race Day T-shirts:
We use email to communicate with you, including a confirmation email, reminders, and information about last-minute changes. Please make sure you allow emails from Constant Contact and machabitat.org, and that you check your spam box for misplaced emails.
This year, we will have only two sponsorship levels of $500 for a large logo and $300 for a smaller logo on our shirts. We will also include recognition of your support via all our social media channels. To become a sponsor click HERE!