Patty Haddeland
Patty HaddelandPresident
Travis McGuire
Travis McGuireVice President
Chris Dahlvig
Chris DahlvigTreasurer
Tara Quincy
Tara QuincySecretary


Kathy Cabe
Kathy CabeDirector
Adrian Chitty
Adrian ChittyDirector
Philip Forve
Philip ForveDirector
Maria Mendoza
Maria MendozaDirector
Hanna Momtazi
Hanna MomtaziDirector
Maryalice Russell
Maryalice RussellDirector
Griffin Zollner
Griffin ZollnerDirector

Interested in Joining the Board?

The Board of Directors is the governing body of McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity.  All high-level decisions are filtered through this engaged, dedicated group of volunteers. These members understand the mission and importance of Habitat and work on critical strategic planning to support the organization’s goal to support local families in their pursuit of decent and affordable housing.  As MacHabitat leaders, an annual financial contribution is expected.

For more information about joining the MacHabitat Board of Directors, please contact Katie Curry, Executive Director – 

Board Testimonials…

The Board of Directors for McMinnville Area Habitat for Humanity strives to make good financial and procedural decisions that will ensure our mission of building homes, community, and hope in our community.

Tara Quincy, Board Secretary, First Federal Bank

Housing needs in our community are being stretched beyond capacity and I believe MacHabitat can be a part of the solution to a complex issue. Having spent a good deal of my career in quality improvement, I enjoy helping people come together to solve problems. As Mr. Rogers used to say, “When there are problems, look for helpers.”  I believe that the board and staff of MacHabitat is composed of helpers – people who see a need and want to be part of a solution.

Philip Forve, Director