Jennifer Crain and her three children (Nick, Mason, & Brooklyn) lived in a small two-bedroom apartment that did not meet their physical needs. Jennifer’s youngest child, Brooklyn, suffers from Noonan Syndrome, a congenital disorder, the principal features of which include heart defect, short stature, learning disabilities, impaired blood clotting, and other medical issues. Despite being a being a working, single mother, Jennifer was determined to provide her children with the stability a forever home would provide.

Jennifer was thrilled to partner with MacHabitat on our 2017 Women Build project and worked on several of her Habitat neighbors’ homes before being able to help build her own. The family was elated to move into their “Lovely House” in September 2017.

Lovely House by Mason, age 11

When the house is ready, it will be good and steady.
But when it’s done, we will all have fun.

The volunteers helped so much to build our house,
our lovely house so nice and steady.

I also love the ones that helped because
They made our lovely house.