Amy* is a single mother of two children: Mike (21) and Lexi (5). The family’s two-bedroom apartment is overcrowded. Amy and Lexi share a bedroom, leaving both without personal space or privacy. Mold exacerbates Amy and Lexi’s asthma. Neighbor disputes are a source of anxiety for Amy and her children. They don’t have the freedom to laugh and play in their own space without causing strife with their neighbors.

Amy,  survivor of a horrific domestic violence situation, works tirelessly to provide a better life for her children. She put herself through college and now works at a local non-profit as a Case Manager Lead. Often drawing from her own experiences, Amy helps families overcome major life barriers such as financial instability and the cycles of domestic violence, helping them to reach overall family wellness.

The family has dreams for the home they will one day share – a safe space where they will have barbecues, listen to music and dance, play outside, and plant a lemon tree.

“I work very hard to give my children a better life and to lead by example. Teaching them to persevere and to work hard. We dream big and hope even bigger. We are grateful to partner with Habitat to make our dream of a home come true.”

*For the privacy and protection of the family, some details of their story have been withheld and their names have been changed.
Family photo provided by Robinson Photography.